Saturday 2 January 2016

YLKI Still Discover Brand Cigarettes Without PHW

Although already set out in separate regulations to enforce the use of PHW (pictorial health warning) on ​​cigarette packs, in fact until a few months this policy runs, there are still stubborn cigarette manufacturers. This was revealed by the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) through a survey they did in four cities during the months of February and March 2015. As a result, there are 7 brands of cigarettes that do not yet have PHW packaging. In addition, 66 percent of PHW on cigarette packs actually closed excise stamps. \”But unfortunately, 66% of cigarettes surveyed, PHW its closed-cigarette tax. That is,

information to consumers does not mean anything because the core message PHW lost. This violates Article 17 paragraph 5 PP 109,\” said board daily YLKI, Tulus Abadi April ago. Findings YLKI others are even 100 percent of brands surveyed embosses that cigarettes are not sold or given to children under 18 years of age and pregnant women, most of these products do not include the safety limit and the message that cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals harmful and more than 43 cancer-causing substances. Though this provision has been stipulated in Regulation 109 of 2012 Article 20. \”… it is recommended

that the PP 109 was revised so that the load is also referred to health messages. Because the \’be stated\’ impressed not required and is optional. It should be made compulsory, or should, wong compulsory course sometimes not adhered to, \”said Tulus. Meanwhile, another survey conducted TCSC (Tobacco Control Support Center) -IAKMI (Indonesian Public Health Association) along with 20 other institutions in 18 cities reveals five types of images PHW used, only three are considered to be effective to reduce tobacco consumption. The image in question is a picture of oral cancer, throat cancer and lung cancer. \”Figure one, three

and five were most effective according to the perception of the respondents to stop smoking, do not start smoking, as well as informing the dangers of smoking. The images of people smoking and the smoke at the boy\’s turned out to be the least effective,\” said one researcher, Dr. Dr. Santi Martini, M. Kes., School of Public Health Airlangga University Surabaya. Santi explains, 56.6 percent of buyers ask the seller cigarette wrapper no pictures. \”If every picture he would select the most frightening images. Indirectly there is a message in there means in fact these images provide a psychological effect,\”

he said. But in general, the study of TCSC-IAKMI find 89 percent of the public supports the PHW and 78.8 percentage points also support that made the bigger picture. In addition, 89.5 percent PHW considered effectively convince people to quit smoking, 90.2 percent of convincing young people do not start smoking, and 91.5 per cent for fixed stop smoking. However, these efforts are still considered not sufficiently reduce the consumption of cigarettes. One expert says this is due to their addiction to the people of Indonesia are already high, plus the price of cigarettes is still affordable. Price increase cigarette

tax is a solution that is often invoked by various parties, but unfortunately still not been considered by the government. According to data Riskesdas, the number of smokers increased from 34 percent in 2010 to 36.3 percent in 2013. The number of cigarettes consumed is estimated to reach 302 billion. Susenas data shows the number of cigarettes consumed 2 after rice. In fact, in urban poor communities cigarettes consumed product number 1, beat Rice.

YLKI Still Discover Brand Cigarettes Without PHW

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