Wednesday 9 December 2015

Beware, The More Facebook Friends Makin Easy Stress Affected

For those who have many friends in social media, especially teens, be careful to always maintain mental health. This is because it has more than 300 friends on Facebook called the researchers associated with the level of stress hormones (cortisol) is high. External factors referred to a senior researcher of the Montreal Mental Health University Institute, Sonia Lupien, could influence the level of cortisol in the body. But beyond that he thinks Facebook also has involvement in promoting hormones. Sonia proved it by conducting a study of 88 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. They were surveyed about the use

of Facebook, the large number of friends, behavior patterns friends \’arrogant\’ and behavior patterns supportive friend. After the researchers measured participants\’ cortisol levels four times a day for three days. The results found those who had more than 300 friends on average have higher levels of cortisol. Sonia referred to in a report in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology that high cortisol levels is risky to make a person vulnerable to depression later in life. \”We were able to show that it has more than 300 friends on Facebook makes adolescents have high levels of cortisol are high. Can we imagine those

who have 1,000 or 2,000 friends may be experiencing greater stress,\” said Sonia, as quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (1 / 12/2015). Wenhong Chen of the University of Texas sociology department commented on the study and said that because the study is the use of Facebook, the same condition may not be applied to other social media. Chen then added that the effects may also not be generalized to other age groups.

Beware, The More Facebook Friends Makin Easy Stress Affected

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