Tuesday 15 December 2015

This study Call Live Alone Have Positive Impact on Health

For various reasons, there is someone who decided to live alone or do not have a partner. Related to this, research shows that people who live alone tend to be more physically fit. The study, published in the Journal of Family Issues found that life and living without a spouse, http://www.crystalxp.net/redirect.php?url=http://www.ruangtani.com/10-cara-lengkap-dan-mudah-budidaya-ternak-jangkrik-menghasilkan/ whether divorced or never married, are associated with lower body weight. Meanwhile, those who are married and living with their spouses have a higher body weight. In addition, people living with riskier chaperone also called chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and have a higher mortality risk.

Quoted from CNN, on Tuesday (15/12/2015), Jay Teachman, a sociologist from Western Washington University doing research and watching your weight participants teens to middle age (between 39-42 years). Jay and his team found that people who have a short-term weight loss after divorce. It is believed Teachman triggered by stress. Teachman think that couples who live together have a heavier weight because they are more likely to share food and cooking together. \”As for those who are divorced, after getting out of difficult times after the divorce, they tend to be more concerned about their appearance. This is because they

have to look good in front of people they like,\” said Teachman. This is in contrast to a study conducted by a group of psychologists from Ohio State University found that women who feel isolated from the environment or chronically lonely tend to have a larger appetite. Chronic loneliness is the case when someone is being away from loved ones or do not have a spouse. \”For people who go through the process of divorce, they tend to try to adapt after the divorce. They\’re trying to get through tough times alone and find the most convenient way for them

to get rid of loneliness like exercising, walking, and so forth,\” said Teachman. \”Once they get used, they will begin through the day as usual and are more attentive to their future, one of them in appearance to attract the opposite sex,\” he continued. Apart from living without a partner tended to have a larger appetite or even more healthy, Teachman stressed lifestyle and diet that actually has a more important role in weight problems. If a person has a healthy lifestyle, of course, http://www.cys.ru/button.html?url=www.ruangtani.com/10-cara-lengkap-dan-mudah-budidaya-ternak-jangkrik-menghasilkan/ live with a partner or would not produce an equally positive as the ideal weight, healthy

body, and feel happy.

This study Call Live Alone Have Positive Impact on Health

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