Wednesday 9 December 2015

UI scientists Lyrics Potential Stem Cells in Menstrual Blood

Stem cell research or stem cells currently experienced by many scientists in the world including Indonesia. Researchers at the University of Indonesia (UI) one of them in this case trying to researching stem cells and the potential of menstrual blood. Own stem cells are basic cells that can later develop into any cell. Because of its nature, stem cells are believed to have the potential to be the answer to all degenerative problems that currently has no cure. Manager of Research and Community Services Faculty of Medicine University Dr. Dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K), said one unexpected thing of menstrual

blood is the blood of storing stem cells that can be utilized. Current research is still ongoing acknowledged that not much can be reported. \”From the menstrual blood we are developing stem cell. We\’ll see how many stem cells in menstrual blood,\” said Dr. Wiweko familiarly called Dr. Iko to the media when filling a seminar at the office MERCK, Jalan TB Simatupang, East Jakarta, Tuesday (12/08/2015). For what has cells derived from menstrual blood? Dr. Iko explain its use can vary, but the main thing is to restore the function of the uterus. When the uterus is damaged due

to trauma, infection, or other things the possibility of menstrual blood stem cells could be given to fix it. \”Can we use the uterine wall were disrupted due to infection or damage. We use stem cel we\’ll put the wall of the uterus may thicken again, get pregnant again,\” said Dr. Wiweko. \”But this is still being studied loh yes,\” he concluded.

UI scientists Lyrics Potential Stem Cells in Menstrual Blood

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