Saturday 12 December 2015

Avoid \"Cheating\" While Eating For Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels Stable

Managing blood sugar levels of diabetic patients is absolutely necessary to avoid complications and to keep blood sugar stable. Although, in the daily life of diabetic patients often do \’cheating\’ which makes blood sugar levels even unstable. Disclosed Dr Pradeep V Gadge, MD, DPH, D. Diabetology, FRSH diabetes consultant at Shreya Diabetes Care Centre, Mumbai often diabetics eating a variety of foods when it has not arrived to the time control to the doctor. \”By the time control, they just tightened his diet in order to look the current low blood sugar checked. In fact, when my patients do lifestyle

like that, it HbA1C levels to see the average blood sugar during the 3 month is not normal,\” said Dr. Pradeep. To that end, Dr. Pradeep recommend that patients with diabetes should learn to calculate how many carbohydrates diasupnya. As well as the number of servings a balanced meal that consists of karbohidrta, protein, and fat. \”Do not forget to multiply the fruits and vegetables as much as possible and avoid sugary drinks. Balance is also physical activity, consumption of drugs and food diasup, do one of the components too much or even less,\” Dr. Pradeep message. It said Dr.

Indra Wijaya SpPD, Kes from Siloam Hospital Karawaci important for diabetic patients reduce their intake of carbohydrates, especially rice. In order not to hit mag, could multiply the consumption of fiber from vegetables and fruits so that body full longer. \”It could also add protein. Keep in mind patients with diabetes should eat 6 times a day with the composition of the 3 big food portions and three small portions (snack),\” said Dr. Indra to detikHealth and written on Saturday (02/14/2015). By doing so, the patient is expected to have enough energy, not feeling hungry and weak, do not add

thinner, and avoid hypoglycemia because taking the drug but insufficient food consumption. For milk with calcium content can be said Dr Indra for a snack.

Avoid \"Cheating\" While Eating For Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels Stable

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